Saturday, June 1, 2024

What's New at Technique Junkies - June 1 2024

What's New this month? Fourteen NEW stamps at Technique Junkies. I'm squealing! Just look at all of these amazing new stamps...

Check out the New Release - HERE.

Don't you just love them all? If you do, check out the Gotta Have It All bundle - HERE.

And the GREAT news is that all of the Technique Junkies new release stamps are 15% off until June 8th.

Not only that, you can take 10% off of anything else ordered from Technique Junkies all month long simply by using this special code: TJ10JEANETTE. 

I've made several cards with this release of stamps that I'll be sharing over the next month-and-a-half, but for today I'd like to share one with you that features two of the stamps from the release: Hippie Flower Border and Beauty in Simplicity

Be sure to check out these blogs for more inspiration...

TJ Blog









Don't Forget

If you like saving money - and who doesn't - please use the code TJ10JEANETTE when checking out at Technique Junkies to receive a 10% discount.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

In addition to the Technique Junkies stamps listed in this blog post, I also used the following items when making these cards.

Inks: Hero Arts Intense Black and Copic Markers

Papers: Accent Opaque 120# White and SU Copper Clay CS

Dies: Honey Bee Sweet Stack Rectangles and Simon Says Sentiment Labels

Embellishments: Amazon Nail Art Gems

1 comment:

Barb said...

Such a pretty card!