
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

It's Just a Gray Hare

I participated in the Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge in November. Every day I chose a Whipper Snapper Designs image to color. I didn't make cards; I just colored images. Now I have a nice little stash of colored images to use for fast card-making.

The cute little Bunny on today's card is one of those images.

The inside of the card includes a Happy Birthday sentiment.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Image/Sentiment: Whipper Snapper Designs Bunny in Bathtub (I don't know the name of the sentiment) stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black Ink and colored with Copic Markers

Inside Sentiment (not showing on blog): Stampin' UP! Happy Birthday (from unknown set)

Papers: Recollections Black and 110# White and SU Soft Sky CS and AMuse Studio Gingham DP

Embellishments: Gina Marie Glitter Enamel Dots and Stickles Glitter Glue


  1. That is hilarious! Good idea to have colored all the images and have them ready to go!

  2. Oh goodness, this is adorable! And the sentiment hysterical! Wow- what a great idea, just color away! Did you pick DP to go with the image first, or match it up later.....?
    Love this card!

  3. What a fun card Jeanette - you know I love a good pun, and this is a great one. Love your colouring on the cute image

  4. One of the shut ins I visited today said, "You used to have dark hair!" I told her I stopped coloring it and now I'm just a little old gray headed lady like everyone else we know!

    Fun card, Jeanette!
