
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Licking the Beaters

Did you grow up licking the beaters? I know many people did, myself included. When I would visit my Grandma, she'd often whip up a batch of homemade sugar cookies. YUM! I'd stand close by so she would hand me one of the beaters when she got finished. Sometimes I'd bemoan the fact that there wasn't much left of the beater to lick and she'd tell me that she'd scraped it off very clean so we'd have more cookies. To her middle-aged mind (that had experienced the Depression) that made perfect sense, but to my 6-year-old mind, it felt like deprivation. LOL!

But once those delicious cookies would come out of the oven and I'd get one while it was still warm... everything in my world was good.

The fabulous sentiment on my card 
is part of the Deer Mom stamp set 
from The Project Bin:

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Supplies Used

Stamp Set: The Project Bin Deer Mom stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black Ink

Papers: Recollections Black and White and SU Real Red CS and DP from my scrap file

Embellishments: Eyelet Outlet Mixer Brad and Washi Tape from an unknown vendor


  1. That is just darling!! Cute card!!


  2. What a fun card Jeanette - my Mum mixed everything by hand and there was NOTHING left to lick - for the same reasons your Grandma gave!!

  3. Such fabulous papers for this super fun sentiment, Jeanette!!
