I'm sure many of the crafters will have much more exotic locations than mine, but my card definitely reflects my current home.
I live in a very small, unicorporated village in northwestern Illinois. Our village has about a hundred houses and two churches... that's it! We are surrounded by farmland, which boasts some of the best corn you will ever find. But perhaps the thing we are most known for here in northern Illinois is our winters. Winters that include lots and lots of snow. (I know Kelly will like that part of my card, because she's from Miami, Florida where they never see snow.)
I used a Northwoods stamp to create my card and some glistening snowflake designer paper.
I love the glitter button that I just recently purchased at Scrapbook Garden in Wichita, Kansas. If you're ever in/near Wichita, I'd highly recommend stopping at this wonderful scrapbooking store. It's incredible! I just found it a week ago on my return trip from visiting my daughter in western Kansas.
We may not have beaches, mountains, or city skylines. We may not have malls, amusement parks, or tourist attractions. But this is where I'm currently from... Welcome to my home!
Gorgeous! I would love to see your home - especially when it is all covered with snow!
So pretty Jeanette!!
It looks like this place I used to live. There are no trees or snow where I live now, so your card looks super exciting to be.
Aw, this is just the best ...... if this is your neck of the woods, can you adopt me! It's a beauty! Love it (and you!) Hugs!
This is amazing and I want to come visit. Can I huh huh, Can I puh-lease!
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